The TPL Plans Re-Opening in Phases!

Good morning, all!

As our great state begins re-opening in many sectors, so too does the Troy Public Library!  You can read about it on the library website

As the TPL moves through its re-opening phases, the Friends will be watching closely and taking direction from Cathy Russ, the Library Director. We are as eager as you are to return to our beloved TPL and our Shops.  We miss all of our customers, Friends, and beloved volunteers. 
However, we are not quite ready yet. Therefore, please remember and share the following information:

– We cannot accept donations of any kind at this time.

– We will not be open until we are given permission from Cathy Russ.

– We cannot have any volunteers in the building at this time. 

– We are not currently able to fulfill any Outreach requests. 

We CAN share information and updates, and we will! 

Thank you for supporting the Friends and the TPL.   Until we can see you again, happy reading!